Easter Crossword

  1. 4. The egg hunt takes place on a .....
  2. 5. The Easter bunnies ..... eggs for children to find.
  3. 8. It comes out of the egg.
  4. 9. This is what brings chocolate eggs on Easter Sunday.
  5. 11. Easter is a Christian ....
  6. 12. This is the place where the Easter Bunny hides eggs.
  7. 16. It's a baby bird.
  8. 17. Those yellow flowers come out around Easter time.
  9. 18. Those sweets are small and colourful.
  1. 1. It's the mother of a chick.
  2. 2. This is where children can keep their chocolate while they are hunting.
  3. 3. It's a baby sheep.
  4. 4. The season of Easter
  5. 5. The search for eggs is called "Easter Egg ......"
  6. 6. These are what children look for on Easter Sunday.
  7. 7. The opposite of "search"
  8. 8. Sometimes people send one for Easter.
  9. 10. You can grill them over the barbecue fire for dessert.
  10. 13. What the Easter bunny brings.
  11. 14. It's a synonym for sweets.
  12. 15. To decorate the eggs, you can .... them.