- 3. when Julius Caesar first brought his soldiers to Britian
- 6. to be able (irregular verb)
- 7. how long the British lived under the power of the Romans
- 9. arouse, wake up
- 12. how many times Julius Caesar visited Britatin
- 14. the death of Trajan was ____
- 15. the principal part that shows the conjugation
- 16. in English, the difference in letters between perf. and imperf. verbs
- 18. forth conjugation ending
- 22. family of verbs
- 24. arrive
- 25. an irregular verb meaning "to be"
- 26. barn
- 27. rush
- 28. all imperf. verb endings have this...
- 29. drag
- 30. himself, herself, themselves
- 31. the people in charge of the Celtic religion
- 1. third declension dative noun endings
- 2. the amount of Roman names on wood strips
- 4. to bring (irregular verb)
- 5. family of nouns
- 8. infinitive end in these letters
- 10. the difference between the second and third conjugation endings
- 11. building
- 13. first conjugation ending
- 17. first declension dative noun endings
- 19. plot, conspiracy
- 20. the Roman attitude to the Celtic gods
- 21. Roman shield formation
- 23. what were built in Vindolanda