- 3. Gimli's ax gets a nick in it because a orc had a metal ______.
- 5. Saruman's first Uruk Hai orc.
- 8. Merry is a _______ of Rohan.
- 10. One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to ____ them.
- 14. Eowyn is a ____________ of Rohan.
- 15. ____ for Mortal Men doomed to die.
- 16. Sauron's strongest defense.
- 17. Gimli's title is Lord of the __________ Caves.
- 18. Who gave Frodo the mithril shirt.
- 20. A food hobbits especially like.
- 21. Gandalf's sword.
- 22. Mount doom's real name.
- 25. What the orcs called saruman.
- 26. Actor for Aragorn.
- 27. Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the ___.
- 28. _____ of kings.
- 1. Legolas' is the bow of the _________.
- 2. A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives _________ when he means to.
- 4. Killer of the nazgul king.
- 6. One for the Dark Lord on his dark ______.
- 7. Seven for the Dwarf-_____ in their halls of stone.
- 9. Charachter that makes bad soup.
- 10. Home of the tree shepherds.
- 11. Sauron's other names
- 12. The Charachter who wants the Ring for Gondor.
- 13. The greatest and the swiftest of the Eagles of the North
- 19. The river that can make a hobbit tall.
- 23. One Ring to _____ them all and in the darkness bind them.
- 24. Aragorn the ______, son of Arathorn.
- 26. Sam's title.