End of Unit Test - Hazards Y12 Geography

  1. 4. Which country has over 80,000 deaths from COVID-19?
  2. 5. In terms of frequency, COVID-19 is the first of its kind, but it is simlar to MERS and ...
  3. 6. Most earthquakes occur on the Ring of Fire. This is an example of the ? distribution
  4. 7. Places that have a high population ? have a higher rate of COVID-19
  5. 10. Another word for temporal
  6. 11. Not social distancing is an example of ? the impact of a hazard
  7. 14. The scale on which earthquake magnitude is measured
  8. 15. Death and infection numbers are examples of ? impacts.
  9. 17. How often a hazard occurs
  10. 18. The intensity of a hazard
  1. 1. How interconnected countries are; those countries that are ... have more cases of COVID-19
  2. 2. How long a hazard lasts
  3. 3. COVID-19 is what type of virus?
  4. 5. 187 countries have COVID-19; this is an example of the ? of spatial impact
  5. 8. The Haiti 2010 earthquake lasted how many seconds?
  6. 9. COVID-19 is an ? disease
  7. 12. Corona is latin for ...
  8. 13. The country you live in is a ? factor that can affect vulnerability to ecological hazards like COVID-19
  9. 16. Building damage is an example of a risek to be ? for natural hazards like earthquakes