Endocrine Disorders (Diabetes mellitus, SIADH, Adrenals)

  1. 1. hypersecretion of this hormone results in excessive water conservation
  2. 3. ____ phenomenon refers to a rebound high blood glucose level in response to hypoglycemia caused by excessive insulin administration especially during the night of administration
  3. 5. Diabetes _________ is the hyposecretion of ADH resulting to diluted urine production
  4. 6. form of DM resulting from autoimmune destruction of insulin-producing beta cells of the pancreas
  5. 8. man-made form of vasopressin
  6. 9. _____ the dose during hormonal replacement therapy to prevent Addisonian crisis
  7. 10. chronic use of this drug can cause Cushing syndrome
  8. 12. sometimes referred to as Cushingoid appearance, it is a fat build up on the sides of the face
  9. 14. insulin replacement therapy for Type 1 DM is administered either via subcutaneous injection or ______
  10. 16. drug given when diet and exercise is no longer effective to control blood sugar levels
  11. 17. a test that demonstrates the inability of the kidneys to concentrate urine despite the increased plasma osmolality level
  12. 22. hard fatty masses in the abdomen caused by repeated use of injection site
  13. 24. withdraw ___ insulin first then the cloudy insulin when mixing
  14. 27. _____ diabetes mellitus is also called as diabetes mellitus type 1
  15. 29. life-threatening caused by acute adrenal insufficiency precipitated by stress, infection, trauma, or surgery
  16. 32. Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone Secretion
  17. 37. a test to determine if a person has diabetes after nothing by mouth for at least 8 hours
  18. 38. secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine
  19. 40. ______ disease is the inability of the adrenal glands to produce enough cortisol and aldosterone
  20. 42. diabetic ketoacidosis
  21. 43. _______ and water retention that can elevate blood pressure is monitored during steroid therapy
  22. 45. also called sugar diabetes
  23. 46. classical symptom of DM that refers to increased hunger
  24. 47. also called suprarenal glands
  25. 48. classical symptom of DM that refers to increased thirst
  26. 49. its increased level triggers pancreas to release insulin
  27. 50. a condition when blood glucose levels are too high but not high enough to be considered diabetes mellitus
  28. 55. _____ replacement is required after adrenalectomy
  29. 56. a chronic disorder of carbohydrates, fat, and protein metabolism
  30. 57. result of hyposecretion of adrenal cortex in Addison’s disease triggering MSH hormone
  31. 58. drug of choice for cancer of the adrenal gland when surgery is no longer applicable
  32. 59. an antibiotic used as therapy for SIADH
  33. 60. other term for Cushing syndrome which means high cortisol level in the body
  34. 61. stimulates the production and release of cortisol from the adrenal cortex
  35. 62. rare benign tumor that originates from the adrenal medulla
  36. 63. caused by hypersecretion of adrenal cortex hormones
  1. 2. refers to inadequate production of insulin by the pancreas
  2. 3. group of drugs used to treat Type 2 DM by stimulating pancreas to secrete more insulin
  3. 4. given in IV as treatment for severe hypoglycemia
  4. 7. a complication of diabetes that affects the eyes particularly the retina
  5. 11. treatment drug for SIADH that makes the kidney less sensitive to ADH
  6. 13. other term for Addison’s disease
  7. 15. a drug contraindicated during steroid therapy because it decreases the effect of prednisone
  8. 18. a type of sugar which is the body’s main source of energy
  9. 19. a neuromuscular symptom of Cushing syndrome that is more common in young people and can take the form of a generalized tetany
  10. 20. a condition that helps in the diagnosis of type 1 DM
  11. 21. makes muscle cell more sensitive to insulin and keeps liver from releasing it
  12. 23. a long-term complication of diabetes that results directly from sensory neuropathy affecting the foot
  13. 25. old term for Type 2 diabetes
  14. 26. result of instant increase in blood glucose and stress hormones that lasts for several hours
  15. 28. measures the blood glucose level over 90 days
  16. 29. secreted by adrenal cortex in response to decline in either blood volume or blood pressure
  17. 30. main route for insulin therapy due to its slower absorption that prevents hypoglycemia
  18. 31. an enterovirus that attack pancreas causing inflammation leading to Type 1 DM
  19. 33. classical symptom of DM that refers to frequent urination
  20. 34. a pathogen that triggers a person’s autoimmune response in Type 1 DM
  21. 35. a high blood sugar level that starts or is first recognized during pregnancy
  22. 36. a symptom of diabetes mellitus which is defined as dry mouth
  23. 39. a rise in blood sugar levels in the early morning hours
  24. 41. surgery to remove one or both adrenal glands
  25. 44. a term for low level of oxygen in the body that can cause SIADH
  26. 51. the most important glucocorticoid
  27. 52. ____, medication, and exercise are the cornerstones of diabetic treatment
  28. 53. the surgical removal of the pituitary gland with tumor growth
  29. 54. Hyperglycemic Hyperosmolar Nonketotic Syndrome