Endocrine system

  1. 2. Target cells for PTH
  2. 5. Regulates electrolyte concentration
  3. 7. Permissive for Insulin
  4. 8. Promotes milk production
  5. 9. Thickens endometrium
  6. 10. What hormone enlarges and divides cells?
  7. 12. What are estrogen and progesterone to FSH?
  8. 15. ADH
  9. 17. Synergist for melatonin
  10. 20. Made by glucagon
  11. 21. What is gonadotroin- realeasing hormone to LH?
  1. 1. Released by testes
  2. 3. fills endometrium with fluid
  3. 4. Another name for cortisol
  4. 6. Action is to increase heart rate
  5. 11. What contracts the uterus?
  6. 13. Increases blood pressure
  7. 14. Action for thymosins
  8. 15. Target cells for adrenocorticotropic hormone
  9. 16. Thyroxine
  10. 18. Thyroid-Stimulating Gland
  11. 19. Target cells for calcitonin