English 12 - LOTF Review

  1. 2. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “use gestures, signal, motion.”
  2. 7. This vocabulary word’s synonym is “unexpected changes.”
  3. 9. This term is used to refer to the young, small boys on the island.
  4. 11. The boys are stranded on an _____________.
  5. 15. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “bitter, pungent, putrid, rancid.”
  6. 16. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “mocking, ridiculing, jeering.”
  7. 17. Jack stresses to the other boys that he will focus on making sure they ___________ the beast.
  8. 20. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “passion, enthusiasm.”
  9. 23. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “huge, enormous, massive.”
  10. 25. Piggy is an easy target for the other boys to pick on. One thing he gets picked on for is that he suffers from ____________.
  11. 27. In Chapter 2 of the novel, the boys make their first fire. Unfortunately, the fire ___________ uncontrollably.
  12. 31. This object, which Ralph has possession of, is used to summon boys to meetings and acts as a symbol of leadership.
  13. 32. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “a bright radiance, a shining.”
  14. 35. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “horribly, disastrously.”
  15. 36. Ralph is hopeful his father, who is a ___________, will be able to help find them.
  16. 37. What role does Ralph take on after the initial vote?
  17. 39. Jack’s position early in the novel is to be the leader of the ___________.
  18. 40. Simon’s main responsibility in the first part of the novel is building ___________.
  19. 42. The main conflict of this novel is that a group of young boys are stranded after an _____________ crash.
  20. 46. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “appeasingly, trying to please.”
  21. 47. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “aggressively, argumentatively.”
  1. 1. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “howling, wailing, shrieking.”
  2. 3. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “statue, figure, model.”
  3. 4. Ralph stresses to the other boys that the beast does not really ___________.
  4. 5. During their first hunt, Jack and his followers fail to kill a ___________.
  5. 6. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “decorated, draped, embellished.”
  6. 8. In the chapter where the boys kill their first pig, Ralph becomes upset because they let the fire go ___________.
  7. 10. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “strolling, walking leisurely.”
  8. 11. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “impossible to understand, mysterious.”
  9. 12. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “secretive, stealthy, sly.”
  10. 13. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “suggest, offer, propose.”
  11. 14. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “exuberance, joyousness.”
  12. 18. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “ridicule, mockery, teasing.”
  13. 19. This character is described as being tall, thin, and boy with red hair and freckles.
  14. 21. This character is described as having fair hair and natural leadership qualities.
  15. 22. Talk about bad luck… the signal fire just happened to go out when there was a ___________ that passed the island.
  16. 24. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “loud noise, racket, uproar, commotion.”
  17. 26. Lord of the Flies is a famous novel written by William ___________.
  18. 27. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “muscular, strong, buff.”
  19. 28. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “hatred, loathing.”
  20. 29. What do the boys call the mysterious creature that they fear is on the island?
  21. 30. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “make fun of, taunt.”
  22. 33. Ralph’s main objective in the first meeting among the boys is to establish ___________.
  23. 34. Piggy is an easy target for the other boys to pick on. One thing he gets picked on for is that he wears ___________.
  24. 37. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “fat, overweight, obese.”
  25. 38. Piggy is an easy target for the other boys to pick on. One thing he gets picked on for is being ___________.
  26. 41. This vocabulary word’s synonyms are “implied, inferred, implicit.”
  27. 43. In the final chapter we have read up to this point, the boys claim the beast comes from the ___________.
  28. 44. As the first half of the chapter evolves, Jack becomes more and more obsessed with ___________.
  29. 45. This character’s glasses are used to start the fire the boys set in hopes of being found.