
  1. 2. Who’s Taller?
  2. 4. What hamburger topping do Owen and Paloma dislike?
  3. 6. What is Owen’s brother's name?
  4. 7. What Disney World park did Owen and Paloma get engaged in?
  5. 8. Who’s Paloma’s favorite Kpop band?
  6. 11. What is Owen and Paloma’s favorite show?
  7. 13. What fast food place does Paloma not like?
  8. 15. What eye color does Owen have?
  9. 18. Which Marvel character does Owen’s mom love?
  10. 20. What is the name of Paloma’s dog?
  11. 21. What city did Owen and Paloma meet?
  1. 1. Who is Paloma’s favorite female singer?
  2. 3. Which singer did Owen and Paloma meet in Las Vegas?
  3. 5. What was the first movie Owen and Paloma saw together?
  4. 6. What song by Shania Twain do Owen and Paloma always quote?
  5. 9. How many sisters does Paloma have?
  6. 10. What taco place does Paloma’s sister (Emily) work?
  7. 12. Who is Paloma and Owen’s favorite avenger?
  8. 14. What insect is Paloma’s tattoo?
  9. 16. What’s Owen's favorite pizza place?
  10. 17. Who is Owen’s favorite singer?
  11. 19. What is Owen’s and Paloma’s cat name?