English IV Mid Term(with General Knowledge)

  1. 3. largest island of Japan
  2. 4. what Tybalt is to Romeo
  3. 5. capital of Venezuela
  4. 6. when your sheep says "Fleece Navidad"
  5. 7. county where Shakespeare was born
  6. 9. sixteenth president of the USA
  7. 12. moral lesson from a story
  8. 17. Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers
  9. 19. longest river in the USA
  10. 21. the most important language feature ever!!!!
  11. 22. I imply and you _____
  12. 24. characters have symbolic names
  13. 25. small piece taken from larger work of literature
  14. 26. winner of Super Bowl XXII
  1. 1. Medieval code of honour
  2. 2. Kerplunk!
  3. 4. not to be taken at face value
  4. 8. He's such a Romeo
  5. 10. capital of Ireland
  6. 11. Modern _______ Association
  7. 12. the main idea of a paper
  8. 13. poem with a great hero who fights in many place
  9. 14. comma in poem, meant to make the reader pause
  10. 15. story intended to expose vice or faulty logic
  11. 16. when the opposite of what should happen happens
  12. 18. maker of the iPhone
  13. 20. winner of Best Picture 2020
  14. 23. comedy with over the top characters