
  1. 5. the ability of the body to stretch to its limit.
  2. 7. the ability of the body to react to the demands of physical effort.
  3. 8. the ability of the muscles to do an activity for a long time without getting tired quickly.
  4. 10. the ability of the body to do an action in the shortest time possible.
  5. 11. this word is used to describe an exercise in which one holds a weight without moving it.
  6. 14. this type of light exercise is done before a workout.
  7. 16. the relationship between the levels of fat and lean mass in the body.
  8. 17. this refers to the body's function to convert food into energy; exercise makes this more efficient.
  9. 18. the ability of the muscles to lift something heavy.
  10. 19. this refers to how long an exercise takes.
  1. 1. this refers to how often an exercise is done.
  2. 2. this method of injury treatment involves keeping the injured body part raised on something.
  3. 3. this word is used to describe the heart and blood vessels.
  4. 4. a cardiovascular disease that is also known as high blood pressure.
  5. 6. this refers to how strong something is done.
  6. 8. this is a planned and organised system of repeated movements.
  7. 9. the body's ability to change its position in a short period of time and do so correctly.
  8. 12. this is one of the disorders that exercise can help to prevent; it involves the softening of the bones.
  9. 13. this type of endurance relates to the body's ability to work a large muscle for a long time; sprinting is an example.
  10. 15. this type of movement is neither too much nor too little; it is in between.