Exercise is Medicine Month

  1. 3. State of mind that can be improved through exercise
  2. 4. A state of disharmony
  3. 5. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  4. 9. Exercise for your heart
  5. 10. Physical Inactivity ranked ____ leading cause of death by WHO
  6. 11. Second most leading cause of death
  7. 14. Weakening of the bones
  8. 17. Program that helps people with heart conditions (hint: you are here!) (two words)
  9. 18. Type of muscle contraction that is static
  10. 22. 1806 – Idleness and luxury create more disease than labor and industry
  11. 24. ____ used to walk a certain distance is the same whether you walk fast or slow
  12. 26. Prescription
  13. 28. Used to measure blood pressure
  14. 31. Aerobic exercise may ___ an asthma attack
  15. 32. Abbreviation for diabetes
  16. 33. Condition where the heart muscle is unable to pump efficiently (two words)
  17. 35. BMI greater than 30
  18. 36. Training that involves stretching
  19. 38. Builds and tones muscle
  20. 39. One of the most common respiratory disorders
  21. 43. Exercise can aide in reducing numbers on the scale (2 words)
  22. 44. Muscle weakness, reduced activity, and slow walking
  23. 47. Prominent physician in ancient times to promote exercise
  24. 48. Product of F, I, T
  25. 49. Lifting __ weights can increase your BP
  26. 51. Mentality about one’s self-worth
  27. 52. Symptoms of COPD and HF
  28. 55. Part of the clinical population; second of 3 people linked by EIM
  29. 56. Exercise is just as effective as ____ to treat depression
  30. 58. Osteoarthritis
  31. 59. Bad cholesterol
  32. 60. Key point: choose activities you _______!
  1. 1. Ideal weight loss per week (in pounds)
  2. 2. Effects of training lost in ___ weeks of inactivity
  3. 3. Resistance training keeps you from losing ______ when you are trying to lose fat
  4. 6. Increasing the V
  5. 7. ACSM’s initiative to promote exercise in clinical populations
  6. 8. Exercise reduces recurrence of ____ cancer by 50%
  7. 12. Mood disorder, main symptom is fatigue
  8. 13. One of the 3 people linked together through EIM
  9. 15. Third person in EIM, linked to patient and doctor (two words)
  10. 16. Disease that deals with insulin and blood sugar
  11. 19. It is _______ to be fit and overweight than unfit and a lower % of body fat
  12. 20. You can improve at any ___
  13. 21. A deep concern for future events
  14. 23. Number of hours after exercise that your body is more sensitive to insulin
  15. 25. % of adults that do not know they have HTN
  16. 27. Type of exercise to reduce OA pain (two words)
  17. 29. Hyperlipidemia
  18. 30. National Exercise is Medicine Month
  19. 34. Good cholesterol, increased with exercise
  20. 37. A measure of the force of a heart beat against the walls of your arteries
  21. 40. American College of Sports Medicine
  22. 41. Exercise Rx acronym
  23. 42. Blood pressure greater than 140/80
  24. 43. 1887 – Exercise can be prescribed as any of the drugs of the pharmacopeia
  25. 44. F in FITT
  26. 45. Rating of perceived exertion
  27. 46. LDL can be reduced by __ to 8 % in 12-16 weeks
  28. 50. Useful in tracking exercise and physical activity
  29. 53. Cardiac related chest pain, heart symptoms
  30. 54. Exercise lowers the risk of _____ by 27%
  31. 56. HTN increases risk of this
  32. 57. Exercise lowers risk of _____ cancer by >60%