  1. 3. Season for gathering in agricultural crops
  2. 5. Plant leaves collectively
  3. 6. Spooky Holiday
  4. 7. Jam
  5. 12. Form of team game played in North America with an oval ball
  6. 13. Unfermented drink made be crushing fruit
  7. 15. Open air fire
  8. 16. Grows on stalks
  9. 17. Fall from oak trees
  10. 19. Tool to clean up leaves
  1. 1. Knitted garment typically with long sleeves, worn over the upper body
  2. 2. Another word for Fall
  3. 4. Change colors
  4. 6. Ride taken for pleasure in wagon carrying hay
  5. 7. For carving and pie
  6. 8. A length or square of fabric worn around the neck or head
  7. 9. Yummy on cold days
  8. 10. Feast holiday
  9. 11. Color
  10. 14. Abundance or bountiful harvest
  11. 18. Used to frighten birds