- 2. Who was born on 4/9/2008
- 3. Second family pet
- 6. town we lived at in England
- 8. Who was born on 3/24/1981
- 10. Who's birthday is 7/11/84
- 13. Dads best friend in High School
- 15. Dads current pet
- 16. Who was born in Los Angeles, California on 3/9/2007
- 21. Who's birthday is 2/28/89
- 22. First town we lived at in England
- 24. Who's birthday is 12/12/1921
- 25. Who introduced Mom and Dad
- 26. Dads best friend in California
- 27. Our families bestfriends in England
- 33. Where Peggi was born
- 34. Who's birthday is 4/12/1921
- 36. The love of my life
- 37. Where MeMaw was born
- 40. Who's birthday is 12/25/1929
- 41. Third family pet
- 42. Moms Maid of Honor
- 43. Dads best friend after High School
- 1. Who was born on 10/26/1008
- 4. Where PawPaw was born
- 5. Who was born in Eugene, Orgeon on 11/28/1984
- 7. What was dads first pet
- 9. Who's birthday is 1/17/1903
- 11. What is Davids occupation
- 12. Dads best man
- 14. Who's birthday is 5/8/1903
- 16. Who was born on 8/25/2000
- 17. What is Dees occupation
- 18. Dads first pet
- 19. Who was born on 4/15/2011
- 20. Who's birthday is 4/11/81
- 23. Who was born on 1/22/2001
- 28. Who's wedding date is 3/20/83
- 29. Our first home in Georgia
- 30. Dad and he joined Air Force together
- 31. Who was born on 7/30/2007
- 32. Who was born on 10/12/1998
- 35. Who birthday is 9/21/1979
- 38. Who was born in Jamestown NY on 4/28/1998
- 39. Fire family pet