
  1. 1. he plays bass guitar (Gabes brother)
  2. 3. Has a son named Jakob
  3. 6. Brenda's son (first and last name)
  4. 11. Marie Pederson's son,(first and last name)
  5. 14. She stole a bible for Brenda (first and last name)
  6. 16. name of Laura Grawe's son
  7. 18. Sheila Grawe's Husband
  8. 21. Wades little Brother
  9. 22. The state Rich Holly traveled from
  10. 24. The State jim Grawe lives in
  11. 27. Judy Karvonen was enrolled in the (_____) Mnt Indian Reservation
  12. 28. Name of Jared's daughter
  13. 29. number of daughters Deb Grawe has
  14. 31. she got married on Nov 14th 1981
  1. 2. name of Gabe's mom
  2. 4. served over 30 years in the US Army (first and last name)
  3. 5. Name on Justin Grawes licence plate
  4. 7. two guys here that have both lived in Germany (two first names)
  5. 8. name of Brenda's husband
  6. 9. She is the Mom of River grace
  7. 10. Does Gabes Mom, April have double jointed toes?
  8. 12. Candi's last name
  9. 13. number of sons Jim Grawe has
  10. 14. City Jordan Grawe is from
  11. 15. They are both ranked as Blue Belts(two first names)
  12. 17. name of Steve Pederson's husband
  13. 18. name of a left handed man who is here
  14. 19. Who is Oliver's Mom
  15. 20. name of the state Candi lives in
  16. 21. Jordan's last name
  17. 23. The state Jeff Grawe traveled from
  18. 25. name of Laura's husband
  19. 26. Marie Pederson Nationality
  20. 27. One of Judys Karvonon's favorite bands ZZ___
  21. 30. A Judy Karvonen saying "if it feels good (two words)