
  1. 2. a type of meat made from poultry
  2. 4. tined utensil used to stab food
  3. 6. a lot
  4. 7. to mix vigorously
  5. 8. to swipe something onto something else
  6. 12. dairy product turned into a solid
  7. 14. rounded utensil usually used to eat liquid
  8. 15. to mix quickly turning a liquid into a solid
  1. 1. to cook on a grill usually outside
  2. 2. to prepare food using heat
  3. 3. more than
  4. 4. to cook in hot oil
  5. 5. food made from the body of an animal
  6. 7. to cook in an oven
  7. 9. flat dish used to serve food
  8. 10. to put something new in
  9. 11. to perform at a good level
  10. 13. no need for more
  11. 14. to mix with a spoon