
  1. 3. To remove fat
  2. 4. To cut the surface of meat
  3. 5. A gentle hand mixing method used to combine lighter mixtures with heavier mixtures
  4. 6. Bubbles turn into vapour
  5. 12. Cook very gently in simmering water
  6. 14. Cook quickly in heated pan
  7. 16. Putting food in hot liquid to get the flavours out
  8. 17. Beat with a wire whisk
  9. 18. You leave meat to soak in this
  10. 20. Small bits of food cooked at high temperature by turning
  11. 21. cut veges into machsticks
  12. 22. Created by boiling water
  13. 23. put into a freezer and this happens
  1. 1. Food placed in a bowl then sat in a large pan of warm water
  2. 2. To mix in egg, cream or liquid
  3. 5. Thin pieces of pastry
  4. 7. a temp that doent feel warm or cold
  5. 8. A stramed sauce made by puree veges or fruit
  6. 9. To coat foods
  7. 10. to partly cook in boiling water
  8. 11. Outside of a citrus fruit
  9. 13. Crushed cooked chickpeas
  10. 15. Put cooked vegetables into cold water
  11. 19. to blend veges with food for thickening
  12. 20. To brown