
  1. 2. to beat eggs, cream
  2. 4. to reach, or cause something to reach, the temperature at which a liquid starts to turn into a gas
  3. 9. an electric oven that uses waves of energy to cook or heat food quickly
  4. 11. a sharp tool or weapon for cutting
  5. 12. a set of instructions telling you how to prepare and cook food
  6. 15. used for cutting food on
  7. 16. the knives, forks, spoons, plates, glasses
  8. 17. a curved container for eating or serving food from
  9. 19. a metal device with holes surrounded by sharp edges used to cut food into small pieces
  10. 20. a place where drinks, especially alcoholic drinks, are sold and drunk
  1. 1. a device above a cooker that consists of a cover with anextractor fan
  2. 3. a piece of furniture with a worktop flat surface on which food can be prepared) and cupboard space, that is placed in the middle of a kitchen
  3. 5. the part of a cooker with a door, used to bake or roast food
  4. 6. to prepare food and usually heat it
  5. 7. to cook inside an oven
  6. 8. a place where you can buy and eat a meal
  7. 10. a small, round container, often with a handle, used for drinking tea, coffee
  8. 13. to remove the skin of fruit and vegetables
  9. 14. a cup with a handle from which tea is drunk
  10. 15. someone who is the main cook
  11. 18. to cook food in hot oil or fat