
  1. 2. To cook something in water to 100 degrees
  2. 4. The money you leave in a restaurant
  3. 8. The place on the stove where you put a pan.
  4. 10. A flat thing usually used to carry other things
  5. 11. To cook in an oven without oil, e.g., bread, cookies
  6. 13. To cook something in oil
  7. 14. Cazuela
  8. 15. Where you would put a pan to prepare soup
  9. 16. The sauce some people put on a salad
  10. 21. The politically incorrect name for a man who serves you in a restaurant
  11. 23. An orange vegetable that grows in the ground
  12. 27. The opposite of thin
  13. 29. Adjective used to describe a GREY steak
  14. 31. Adjective used to describe a completely cooked egg, still in the shell
  15. 32. The name often used to describe bread
  16. 33. Used to heat water, e.g., for tea
  1. 1. The plug that keeps the wine inside the bottle
  2. 3. A baby sheep
  3. 4. The opposite of thick
  4. 5. The past simple and participle of the verb GRIND
  5. 6. The fruit used to make wine
  6. 7. Ground meat inside an intestine or similar.
  7. 9. Adjective used to describe meat cooked very little
  8. 11. The meat of a cow
  9. 12. The meat of a pig
  10. 17. Adjective used to describe eggs mixed with, perhaps, milk
  11. 18. The indentation in the bottom of a bottle of wine.
  12. 19. What you use to keep food away from your clothes
  13. 20. Used to remove a cork from a bottle of wine.
  14. 22. What you put on the dining room table
  15. 24. Embudo
  16. 25. A popular white-grained dish popular in Japan
  17. 26. The top to a jar
  18. 28. Stove in American English
  19. 30. The top to a bottle