
  1. 3. Type of wine (not sweet)or not wet, moist
  2. 4. Long, green-skinned vegetable
  3. 7. A vegetable with thick green leaves
  4. 9. Cook in the oven (e.g. turkey)
  5. 11. Company or person providing food and drink
  6. 13. Small leaf of bread for one person
  7. 16. purple egg-shaped fruit eaten as a vegetable
  8. 18. Safe to eat
  9. 19. Knives, forks and spoons
  10. 24. Green seed, vegetable
  11. 25. Vampires hate this vegetable
  1. 1. Container used for drinking coffee, tea
  2. 2. Parsley, mint, oregano – a types of ….
  3. 3. Small, cheap restaurant in USA
  4. 4. Large edible sea fish popular in UK
  5. 5. Cheese and butter contain lots of this …
  6. 6. Tax added to the price of a meal
  7. 7. It’s used for sealing bottles of wine
  8. 8. Liquid used for frying or in salad dressing
  9. 10. Round white and purple root vegetable
  10. 11. Cheddar for example
  11. 12. Small, soft, red fruit
  12. 13. Not cooked
  13. 14. Bread baked in one piece
  14. 15. Old-fashioned word for beer
  15. 17. Cooking instruction
  16. 20. Hot drink, or early evening UK meal
  17. 21. Pirates’ favourite alcoholic drink
  18. 22. Bird often eaten with fried apples
  19. 23. It can be boiled, fried, scrambled, poached