Food Safety

  1. 3. A foodborne illness _ is an incident when 2 or more people experience the same illness with a common food
  2. 5. Wash fruits and vegetables with _ before preparing
  3. 7. Good personal _ helps prevent foodborne illnesses
  4. 8. Chemical, Physical, and _
  5. 10. Harmful _ and viruses cause most foodborne illnesses.
  6. 12. A foodborne _ is when someone becomes ill after eating an unsafe food
  7. 13. Wash your hands for _ seconds
  1. 1. A finger nail in food is a physical _
  2. 2. Food Safety is everyone's _
  3. 4. _ are likely to grow in temperature danger zones
  4. 6. Chill hot foods _
  5. 9. Store uncooked foods on a _ shelf than ready to eat foods
  6. 11. It is important to control the time that food is in the temperature _ zone.