- 2. It's soft, brown and its can be over cook if we let it too long in the oven.
- 4. It's sour and yellow.
- 6. It's can be spicy, they can have pineapple, sausage or bacon.
- 8. It's orange, long, crunchy and raw.
- 11. We can put candle on it and we put it in the oven to cook it.
- 13. It's chewy, sweet and with a lot of flavor and famous.
- 14. It's rond, there is a hole in ii, it's yummy and Homer love it
- 15. The taste can be soft or spicy it's raw.
- 16. It's oval, white and it's the chiken who made it.
- 17. It's soft and they can be made with meals, vegetable, fruit and chocolate.
- 19. It's soft and peach.
- 1. It's wet, it's not smelling and taste nothing.
- 3. It's salty and we eat it when we are at cinema.
- 5. It's hot, there is sausage and it, we can put ketchup, mustard, mayo...
- 7. It's cold, made with milk, it can be other flavour.
- 8. It's made of 99% of water and it's green.
- 9. Tt's crunchy green and raw.
- 10. Pepsi, coca-cola, 7-up, crush, root beer...
- 12. It's blue, verry small and the famous one are in Lac St-Jean.
- 18. It's terrible, it's smell bad.