Foodborne illness

  1. 2. government department that deals with agriculture
  2. 5. government department that deals with disease outbreaks
  3. 6. comes commonly from frozen berries, green onions, and raw shellfish
  4. 8. The most common place foodborne illnesses are found
  5. 9. bacteria Found in water sources
  6. 11. bacteria usually found in raw or undercooked beef, raw milk, and fecal contaminated foods
  7. 13. bacteria mostly found in chicken or eggs
  8. 15. where food should be stored as to not cause foodborne illness
  9. 16. food that should be stored in the fridge if not eaten in one sitting
  10. 17. end of the food danger zone
  11. 19. government food regulation
  1. 1. Labs across America that help track foodborne illnesses
  2. 3. only way to store frozen food without thawing
  3. 4. Start of the food danger zone
  4. 5. bacteria found on fresh produce including raspberries, basil, cilantro, snow peas and different types of lettuce
  5. 7. Comes from different types of salads (egg, tuna, etc), raw veggies and dairy products
  6. 10. a reaction to food poisoning
  7. 12. best way to cool food
  8. 14. bacteria found on lettuce
  9. 18. bacteria found in raw food like fruits and veggies grown in water infected with feces