- 2. Fractions represent quantities that are less than a ______________.
- 5. When a numerator is larger than the denominator in a fraction
- 10. Finding this number will help when simplifying fractions.
- 12. Another way of thinking of a fraction.
- 13. Ironically, the other name for the standard algorithm is shorter.
- 16. The number on the bottom of a fraction.
- 17. When adding fractions, use this number to make denominators the same.
- 1. Find this value by adding the area of each side of a rectangle or square.
- 3. When a fraction includes both a whole number and a fraction.
- 4. The last of four steps when performing long division.
- 6. This mnemonic device helps you recall the order of operations.
- 7. The number on top of a fraction.
- 8. When _____________ two fractions, first find the LCM of the denominators.
- 9. This measurement is found by multiplying length times width times height (LxWxH).
- 11. When _____________ two fractions, there's no need to find the LCM.
- 14. The remainder of a long division problem can also be expressed as a __________.
- 15. This popular food is often used when explaining fractions.