  1. 3. what's the English for "badile"?
  2. 4. how do you say in English "cesoie"?
  3. 7. What's the English for "seme"?
  4. 8. what's the English for "tagliaerba"?
  5. 10. How do you say in English "zappa"?
  6. 11. What's the English for "scala"?
  7. 12. What's the English for "ratrello"?
  8. 13. how do you translate "scopa" in English?
  9. 14. What's the English for "soffiatore"?
  1. 1. What's the English for annaffiatoio?
  2. 2. What's the English for "cestino"?
  3. 5. What's the English for "vanga"?
  4. 6. How do you say in English "tagliasiepe"?
  5. 9. how do you say in English "carriola"?