
  1. 4. carrier of amino acids to ribosomes for protein synthesis
  2. 5. 3 codons signal "stop"
  3. 6. Cluster of ribosome
  4. 7. Self-duplicating ring of accessory DNA in the cytoplasm of bacteria
  5. 9. major structural componento f ribosomes, along with proteins
  6. 10. Site of protein synthesis
  7. 11. Process where sequence of codon in mRNA codes for order of Amino Acid
  8. 14. carries DNA instructions for how to make a gene product
  9. 16. Reading of mRNA starting at 5'
  10. 17. Double ringed; Adenine and Guanine
  1. 1. Where the first tRNA begins
  2. 2. Environmental factors that cause mutation in DNA (ex. UV radiation, pesticides)
  3. 3. Monomer of protein
  4. 4. Process where mRNA is created from a segment of DNA
  5. 6. Organic macromolecule composed of one or more polypeptides
  6. 7. Single ringed; Cytosine, Thymine, and Uracil
  7. 8. 3 base sequence of mRNA
  8. 12. 3 base sequence of tRNA and pairs with complementary codon
  9. 13. The sugar for DNA
  10. 15. Chains are attained after termination