- 2. Number of books by Susan Juby in the library
- 3. Monument 14 author
- 7. eBook publisher (link from school website)
- 8. Regular loan period
- 9. Canadian newsmagazine
- 12. Number of books about NASCAR in the library
- 13. Computer pass
- 14. Number of books about urban legends in the library
- 17. Online French encyclopedia
- 19. Overdue fine per day
- 21. card required for borrowing
- 22. Classification system to organize the books
- 23. Final item in the Web 2.0 Toolbox
- 25. Teacher Librarian
- 27. Library technician
- 28. Colour of a regular loan due date card
- 29. Unwind author
- 1. Teen fashion magazine
- 4. Library catalogue program
- 5. Freebie at the Circulation Desk
- 6. Cost to print in black & white
- 10. Prime time for library use
- 11. Sports magazine
- 15. Area for quiet group work
- 16. electronic database
- 18. Quiet place to work by yourself
- 20. Book by Lena Coakley
- 24. Reference book loan period
- 26. Reading exercises your