- 2. What animal goes 'hoo! hoo!'?
- 8. What do people put up on their house on Halloween?
- 11. What do you say when you scare someone?
- 12. When you carve a pumpkin and put a candle in it, what is it called?
- 14. What do you say on Halloween to get candy?
- 17. A popular character who rides a horse without a head!
- 18. What do werewolves need to transform?
- 20. A famouse halloween movie about a skeleton!
- 23. What monster is from the undead?
- 25. The first word to a popular song that ends in 'Scary Skeletons'!
- 26. What do people go to pumpkin patches to get?
- 27. What makes spiderwebs?
- 28. What do you wear on Halloween?
- 1. What haunts houses?
- 3. What entity rides a broomstick?
- 4. What does a witch ride?
- 5. What is a vampire?
- 6. What monster needs a full moon to transform?
- 7. What month does Halloween take place?
- 9. An event people go to do during Halloween.
- 10. What monster sucks blood?
- 13. A popular Halloween Candy.
- 15. What do you collect on Halloween?
- 16. What do ghosts do?
- 17. A Halloween movie about three witches!
- 19. What do spiders make?
- 21. What is this holiday called?
- 22. A monster found in Egypt!
- 24. What do witches use?