- 3. Agent Danvers is also __________
- 4. Batman live in ________
- 8. I am ________ of you
- 9. Part one of who we have to thank
- 12. Your favorite Disney movie
- 16. The play we went too in December
- 18. You can always make me ________
- 20. Where did we meet?
- 23. Who likes to get in the middle of us when we are cuddling?
- 24. What DC character am I obsessed with?
- 26. First show I got you hooked on
- 27. The play we are going to in April
- 1. I ______ you so much
- 2. What did I use to ask you to be my girlfriend?
- 5. You gave me a _______________ stuffed animal
- 6. Our favorite doctor show
- 7. Our favorite place
- 9. Our favorite thing to do
- 10. The hottest "Grounder/Skycrew" member
- 11. I still haven't finished this show
- 13. Who am I obsessed with?
- 14. I always want ________ from you
- 15. I got my ________ pierced our first night hanging out
- 17. Part two of who we have to thank
- 19. My favorite kind of dog
- 21. Who do I love most?
- 22. Should've never died
- 25. Your favorite Women's basketball team is from _______