
  1. 2. 1 Diabetes Immune system attacks and destroys beta cells in the pancreas.
  2. 3. Positive or beneficial stress.
  3. 4. Cofactors in enzymatic reactions.
  4. 6. Management Monitoring and balancing calorie intake.
  5. 9. Being fully present in the moment without judgment.
  6. 12. Higher than normal but not yet in the diabetes range.
  7. 13. Mechanisms Adaptive strategies to manage stress.
  8. 15. Health Overall well-being of the heart and blood vessels.
  9. 19. Health Maintaining cardiovascular well-being.
  10. 20. Condition of excessive body weight.
  11. 25. Diseases Conditions affecting the heart and blood vessels.
  12. 26. Labels Reading and understanding nutritional information.
  13. 27. Gain Increase in body weight.
  14. 28. High blood pressure.
  15. 29. "Stress hormone" produced in response to stress.
  16. 31. Deficiencies Lack of essential nutrients in the diet.
  17. 33. Essential for healthy bones and teeth.
  1. 1. Buildup in arteries, hindering blood flow.
  2. 5. Diet Consuming a variety of nutrients in appropriate proportions.
  3. 7. Cord Nutrient exchange during pregnancy.
  4. 8. Absorption Process of absorbing nutrients from food.
  5. 10. Body Mass Index, measures body weight in relation to height.
  6. 11. Control Balancing diet and exercising regularly.
  7. 14. Facilitates nutrient exchange during pregnancy.
  8. 16. Management Techniques for coping with stress.
  9. 17. Control Managing food intake to prevent overeating.
  10. 18. Hormone released during stress for pain relief.
  11. 21. Function Body's ability to resist infections.
  12. 22. Diabetes Higher than normal but not yet in the diabetes range.
  13. 23. Fats Energy storage.
  14. 24. Tissue growth and repair.
  15. 26. Food Concerns include high calorie and fat content, excessive sugar and salt, low essential nutrients, and large portion sizes.
  16. 27. Ingredients Fresh, unprocessed components of food.
  17. 28. Blood Pressure Optimal pressure in the circulatory system.
  18. 29. Energy source.
  19. 30. Temperature regulation.
  20. 32. 2 Diabetes Often associated with lifestyle factors.