History of Hip Hop

  1. 3. Donald Trump most likely hates this group based on his immigration views
  2. 7. Mildy rude plants
  3. 10. Tupac's alter ego
  4. 12. At first his name made sense, now his name is just prevalent
  5. 13. super fast mixer
  6. 15. First group to make hip hop known world wide
  7. 16. Ecstasy and lots of beer
  8. 18. Jay-Z's best producer until he developed an ego too big even for himself
  9. 19. Really tiny
  1. 1. Cruisin down the street
  2. 2. Alex's dream uncle
  3. 4. Wu-tang member who passed away 2 days before his 36th birthday
  4. 5. Formed by hip hop artists of the east Bronx, this "nation" helped spread hip hop awareness to the youth
  5. 6. Most featured pop artist in Hip Hop
  6. 8. Mary Jane's longest and greatest customer
  7. 9. The Game had beef with this rapper over a stolen chain
  8. 10. After being neglected for so long, this television station finally put hip hop on in 1988
  9. 11. Like a barking dog
  10. 12. California city that put west coast rap on the map
  11. 14. although he's on late night TV now, he never forgets his "roots"
  12. 17. Birthplace of Hip Hop