- 2. In what city is Bollywood?
- 8. The English word for "valg"
- 10. The English word for "rød"
- 11. The Capitol of India
- 12. The English word for "reinkarnation"
- 14. The English word for "udstødt"
- 15. The name of the popular park in Delhi
- 18. Gandhi's first name
- 19. The English word for "en tale"
- 20. The English word for "forandring"
- 22. The English word for "moderne"
- 23. The English word for "magt"
- 25. The English word for "biler"
- 1. The name of the red dot on the women's forehead
- 3. The Indian version of Hollywood
- 4. The English word for "Fattigdom"
- 5. The English word for "grøn"
- 6. The biggest religion in India
- 7. The English word for "orange"
- 9. The English word for "fred"
- 13. The English word for "uafhængighed"
- 16. The name of the system India once lived by
- 17. The English word for "tre"
- 21. The English word for "nu"
- 24. The English word for "krige"