Kitchen Work

  1. 2. v. cut (something, especially food) into slices
  2. 5. n. a place where food is prepared
  3. 7. v. to make more beautiful
  4. 10. v. cut (cooked meat) into slices for eating
  5. 12. v. to toss so as to cause to turn over in the air flip a coin flip a pancake
  6. 13. v. cut (cooked meat) into slices for eating
  7. 14. n. bread lightly warmed and browned with heat
  8. 18. n. a floor with spilled liquids
  9. 19. n. a special side sauce (e.g., sour cream, ketchup, mustard)
  10. 21. v. reduce (something, especially food) to small shreds by rubbing it on a grater
  11. 22. v. for liquid to flow rapidly into another container
  12. 24. v. to lightly scatter drops or particles
  13. 25. adj. when a cut of meat is cooked evenly
  14. 28. n. pastries enjoyed after the main meal
  15. 29. n. a special board used to cut vegetbles on
  16. 31. n. a machine used warm food quickly
  17. 32. v. a disordered mixture of things (eg, eggs)
  18. 34. v. to cook pastry dishes
  1. 1. v. accurately express in size/amount (quantify)
  2. 3. v. to cook anything not involving pastries
  3. 4. a French phrase wishing a good meal
  4. 6. v. to remove the outer shell of certain foods (e.g., orange)
  5. 8. n. the head cook responsible for the kitchen staff
  6. 9. n. the white sweet cream used on desserts
  7. 10. v. cut (something) into pieces with repeated sharp blows of an axe or knife
  8. 11. n. this is where you warm up food using gas, not electricity
  9. 15. v. allowing water to reach 100 degrees Farenheight
  10. 16. v. exposing food (meat) to direct heat in an oven
  11. 17. v. make or become sharp or sharper
  12. 20. v. move a spoon or other implement around in (a liquid or other substance) in order to mix it thoroughly
  13. 23. v. a movement in which someone or something turns or is turned over on itself
  14. 24. adj. for a place to be very clean; devoid of germs
  15. 26. adj. when a cut of meat is not cooked evenly
  16. 27. n. a helper
  17. 30. v. to chop/cut food (e.g., vegetables) into small pieces
  18. 31. v. make or become liquefied by heat
  19. 33. verb exposing food (meat) to direct heat in an oven