
  1. 1. for example "cats", "dogs", "houses" etc
  2. 3. word used to describe nouns like "sheep", "geese and "skies"
  3. 5. the large dog barked at the _______is an example
  4. 6. the word that links nouns to do with place, time etc
  5. 7. the most common verb in English
  6. 9. name of nouns that aren't touchable etc, e.g. imagination
  7. 10. the name we give to objects, people etc
  8. 11. when nouns and verbs are accurate together
  9. 12. form of words like "fell", "saw", and "said"
  10. 15. word used to give description about a noun
  1. 1. a form of a verb, e.g. sits or is sitting
  2. 2. the ________ kicked the ball is an example
  3. 4. the name for nouns that we can count
  4. 8. tricky word class; can give information about verbs, adverbs and adjectives
  5. 13. an example of a joining word, "but" and "so" are others
  6. 14. an example of the definite article (clue: little words)