LiEd CeNtEr CrOsSwOrD!!!

  1. 3. Shalene's other dearest interest
  2. 4. Something we do not do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. 7. One of Shalene's dearest interests
  4. 9. If she can't fix it, no one can!
  5. 11. Zach's food of choice
  6. 13. Shalene's other other dearest interest
  7. 14. Everyone secretly uses this
  8. 16. The hat-wearing honorary mascots of the ticket office
  1. 1. Anna's other favorite way to decorate the office
  2. 2. Shalene's other other other dearest interest
  3. 5. What does the P stand for?
  4. 6. What Amy calls a carbonated beverage
  5. 8. Amy's favorite patron
  6. 10. One of Anna's favorite ways to decorate the office
  7. 12. One of the words Zach uses interchangeably to describe a carbonated beverage
  8. 15. The other word Zach uses interchangeably to describe a carbonated beverage