- 5. the mightiest of the three Elven Rings
- 8. Galadriel is married to him/her
- 9. the name of Earendil's boat
- 10. an alternate name for Smaug
- 13. the wielder of Orcrist in The Hobbit
- 14. the first terrestrial, fire-breathing creature in Middle Earth
- 18. the name of Aragorn's father
- 19. the name of the fictional world of LOTR
- 20. alternate name for Treebeard
- 22. cause of death of Frodo's parents
- 24. Sauron's name prior to becoming Sauron
- 25. the name of one of the two blue wizards
- 26. the place described as "riven from the bones of the earth in the ancient torment of the hills"
- 27. number of rings of power forged
- 28. spirits that descended to the world to help the Valar shape the world
- 33. men from here built the Tower of the Teeth
- 34. Quenya name for Saruman
- 35. The meaning of Sauron's original name
- 39. the chief of the counselors in Elrond's house
- 41. total number of wizards sent to help Middle Earth
- 42. an alias used by Eowyn
- 44. name of the Uruk that killed Boromir
- 46. the elven name for hobbits
- 47. the elf responsible for abandoning Dol Guldur prior to Sauron arriving
- 48. the place Radagast the Brown says he battled the Necromancer
- 51. also called "The Valaraukar"
- 53. the name of the battle that took place in Helms Deep (Battle of __)
- 54. the name of one of the two blue wizards
- 55. the rescuerer of Gandalf atop the Tower Orthanc
- 56. the meaning of Minas Tirith (Tower of the __)
- 57. the spawn of the Ungoliant
- 1. the name of the seeing-stones in Middle Earth
- 2. the name of the Ring of Power that Galadriel wore
- 3. the name of Shelob's mother
- 4. destination of the hobbits when they were captured
- 6. land of the Valar
- 7. Voiceless it cries, Wingless flutters, Toothless bites, Mouthless mutters… solve this riddle.
- 11. Rivendell is built on this river
- 12. the name of Azog's son
- 15. What was Khamûl?
- 16. a hobbit that shares a birthday with Bilbo
- 17. the name of Frodo's father
- 18. the most powerful of all winged dragons (__ the Black)
- 21. what Bilbo must find in the Lonely Mountains
- 23. name for the period of time after Gandulf visited Dol Guldur
- 29. the name of Legolas' father
- 30. the age of Middle Earth after the ring was destroyed
- 31. the hobbit race Gollum was prior to finding the ring
- 32. the name of the battle where Saruman dies (Battle of __)
- 33. the character desribed as "a crystal fallen in the lap of land"
- 36. the first king of Rohan
- 37. What Morgoth was eventually called
- 38. the capital of the shire
- 39. Aragorn's age when joining the hobbits
- 40. dwarven name for Gandulf
- 43. the character that says "things will go as they will; and there is no need to hurry to meet them"
- 45. the Four Farthing in the Shire that does not touch the Three Farthing Stone
- 49. the Norse legend Smaug is based upon
- 50. Elrond's brother
- 52. Pippin's son is named after him
- 53. the material that makes Gollum scream when touched by it (hint: elven rope is made of it)