Lordy Lordy look who’s 40!

  1. 2. first car
  2. 3. Best in the world
  3. 7. Retired clothing seller
  4. 9. likes games?
  5. 15. dietician
  6. 17. maiden name
  7. 19. 95 years old
  8. 20. East graduated
  9. 21. U of W
  10. 22. Consideration
  11. 25. next trip
  12. 26. bunny queen
  13. 29. “There’s an App for that”
  14. 30. 10,000?
  15. 32. football?
  16. 35. hillside
  17. 36. Fitness
  1. 1. Favourite team
  2. 4. Favourite canning addiction
  3. 5. 39
  4. 6. disciple?
  5. 8. __Farm Rd
  6. 10. auntie
  7. 11. first home
  8. 12. Backyard icy enjoyment
  9. 13. killer whale
  10. 14. family farmer?
  11. 16. pet
  12. 18. pet
  13. 21. German bilingual
  14. 23. grandfather
  15. 24. first born
  16. 27. nice car
  17. 28. maiden name
  18. 31. estate professional
  19. 33. Chris Could have been one
  20. 34. “in the box”