Major Diabetes Management Trials

  1. 2. This trial (2019) is one of the first trials to demonstrate superiority of closed-loop insulin delivery systems in patients with T1DM
  2. 4. This trial (2009) showed that aggressive glycemic control in the ICU setting leads to increased mortality.
  3. 5. This 1970s trial used tolbutamide, insulin, and phenormin and is one of the earliest large-scale diabetes trials.
  4. 8. This trial (2021) showed that empagliflozin is superior to placebo in heart failure-related outcomes.
  5. 9. This trial (2008) was stopped early because an A1c goal of <6% led to increased mortality versus standard control.
  6. 10. This trial (1993) showed that intensive T1DM therapy delayed the onset of diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy
  1. 1. This trial (2009) showed that the A1c target of <6.5% improved microvascular outcomes compared to conventional goals above 7%.
  2. 3. This trial (2016) was one of the first trials that showed that liraglutide improved CV outcomes versus placebo.
  3. 5. This trial (1998) showed a 25% risk reduction in microvascular endpoints with intensive diabetes treatment (A1c <7%).
  4. 6. This trial (2021) showed that when given together with metformin, liraglutide and insulin results in better glycemic control than glimpiride and sitagliptin.
  5. 7. This trial (2008) showed that in poorly controlled DM patients, intensive control had very little effect on major CV events or death.