Math for 5th

  1. 5. seven multiplied six
  2. 7. four multiplied five
  3. 8. eight multiplied eight
  4. 12. five multiplied five
  5. 13. The franction is equal to 2/5 and 3/7, if The Franctions have a same ...
  6. 15. seven multiplied seven
  7. 17. 3 143 562 is ... than 4 143 562
  8. 21. 85 310 is ... when rounded of the nearest thousand
  9. 22. 1/2 is ... than 4/8
  10. 23. six multiplied nine
  11. 24. three multiplied three
  12. 25. 5.678.943, the digit 3 is in the ... place
  1. 1. nine multiplied seven
  2. 2. nine multiplied nine
  3. 3. five multiplied nine
  4. 4. 100 400 is ... than 100 399
  5. 6. six multiplied sis
  6. 9. eight multyplied nine
  7. 10. ten multiplied one hundred
  8. 11. nine multiplied three
  9. 14. 85 210 is ... to 85 000 than to 86 000
  10. 16. 3.456.987, the digit 3 is in the ... place
  11. 18. eigth multiplied seven
  12. 19. four multiplied four
  13. 20. two multiplied two