- 1. breathe out
- 3. removal of part of the colon
- 5. meaning of hist\o
- 8. softened brain tissue
- 10. meaning of the prefix ex-
- 11. resembling a tooth
- 13. inflammation within the heart
- 15. meaning of chondr\o
- 18. pertaining to between the ribs
- 20. meaning of emisis
- 21. meaning of prefix en-
- 22. originating completely outside of
- 24. meaning of morph\o
- 1. brain tumor
- 2. one who studies tissue structure under a microscope
- 4. abnormal bone condition
- 6. surgical repair of
- 7. softening of teeth
- 8. inflammation of the brain
- 9. enlarged stomach
- 12. head pain
- 14. incision into a joint
- 16. inflammation of the bone
- 17. root for joint
- 19. inflammation of the larynx
- 23. combining form of hernia