- 3. 5 step move in a dance called the Cha Cha
- 4. two things that cross each other
- 7. main lyrics in a song
- 9. move back and forth - one foot is off the ground and one foot is touching ground (forward/back OR side to side)
- 10. when something repeats itself
- 11. DO NOT MOVE!
- 14. no mistake
- 15. popular music in Korea
- 1. music from Jamaica
- 2. singing fast and rhyming
- 3. easy to like and remember
- 4. Cartoon character; dance move
- 5. to move to the side, keep feet touching ground
- 6. lift foot and put it down hard
- 8. to go backwards or turn around
- 11. strong dance rhythm
- 12. regular, repeated pattern of sounds or movements
- 13. jump on two feet, land on two feet