My Healthy Plate

  1. 1. Apart from eating healthily, My Healthy Plate advice us to be _________.
  2. 3. A teenager needs only __________ teaspoon of salt per day.
  3. 5. Based on My Healthy Plate, we are to consume healthier oil such as _________ oil.
  4. 7. My Healthy Plate replaces Healthy Diet _____________.
  5. 8. Too much salt may cause _____________ which is a Silent Killer.
  6. 10. There are _________ food groups on My Healthy Plate.
  7. 12. My Healthy Plate helps us prevent _______ cancer which is on the rise.
  8. 13. Recommended sugar limits per day for teenagers is _____________ teaspoon.
  9. 14. Brown Rice and Wholemeal Bread is rich in this nutrient.
  10. 16. 1 serving of meat is __________ gram of 1 palm-sized.
  11. 19. In the long run, lack of insulin will lead to ________________.
  12. 21. Meat and __________ group is rich in protein.
  1. 2. Unhealthy oil leads to build up of plaque and causes __________ heart disease.
  2. 4. My Healthy Plate is an example of a _____________ tool.
  3. 6. My Healthy Plate shows __________ and how to eat to healthily.
  4. 9. how much do we eat per day depends on the ______________ number of servings per day chart.
  5. 11. We need to choose water over soft drinks. ________ glasses of water is needed per day.
  6. 15. Wholegrains such as brown rice are rich in _______ fibre.
  7. 17. ___________ grapes is equivalent to 1 serving of fruit.
  8. 18. We need to a wide variety of fruits. Fruits rich in vitamin c are _______ fruits like oranges.
  9. 20. Too much sugary food may cause ___________ decay.
  10. 22. We are to fill _______ of our plate with Fruits and Vegetables.