MyPlate and Food Labels

  1. 3. Your plate should be ___ fruits and vegetables
  2. 4. Ingredients are listed in this order, by weight
  3. 7. Beans, such as __ belong in the protein group
  4. 9. the number of calories food fact labels are based (2 words)
  5. 10. the number of food groups used by MyPlate
  6. 11. If a nutrient is 20% it is considered a __ source of that nutrient
  7. 13. find the right ___ between activity and food intake
  8. 18. a whole-­‐grain alternative to white rice (2 words)
  9. 20. Food group which recommends eating 6 ounces daily
  10. 21. the title of the category, of the percent of food we should each daily (2 words)
  11. 22. food which have calories with very little nutrition (2 word)
  12. 24. if a nutrient is listed as being only 5%, it is considered a ___ source
  1. 1. eggs belong in this food group
  2. 2. a better drink than sugary soda
  3. 5. food which is packed full of nutrients (2 words)
  4. 6. mineral which should be limited, may help reduce high blood pressure
  5. 8. Food group which recommends eating 2 ½ cups daily
  6. 9. recommended number of cups of fruit to eat each day
  7. 12. Kale, spinach and broccoli are examples of __ __ vegetables (2 words)
  8. 14. Food group which recommends eating 3 cups daily
  9. 15. Food group which recommends eating 3 ½ ounces daily
  10. 16. Protein should not be fatty, it should be _____
  11. 17. Food group which recommends eating 2 cups daily
  12. 19. what half of your grains should be __ __(2 words)
  13. 21. Yogurt belongs to this food groups
  14. 23. Shrimp belongs to this food group