not required

  1. 2. last name of “Lord of the Flies” author
  2. 5. Brazil's national language
  3. 6. last name of vice president
  4. 8. gangnam style
  5. 9. capital of California
  6. 11. team Edward and team _______
  7. 13. saying “Don’t put all your ____in one basket”
  8. 15. "The Hunger Games" character
  9. 16. 26 letters
  10. 17. saying “two wrongs don't make a _______”
  11. 18. "Party Rock Anthem"
  12. 20. prime number
  1. 1. the boy who lived
  2. 3. learning disability
  3. 4. tv game show
  4. 7. natural disaster
  5. 10. beach NBA team
  6. 12. _______or not now
  7. 14. name of old vampire
  8. 19. sad facial expression