November 2023

  1. 3. The Icon's November coloring page was titled "Home for the ____"
  2. 4. The OHSAA will expand their Respect the ____ program
  3. 8. Johnny Appleseed Metro Park District's Winter ____ Club event was called Jogging with Johnny
  4. 9. Performances of the ONU Holiday ____ take place in Lima and Ada
  5. 10. The unveiling of Kenton's 2023 Window ____ occurred on November 21
  6. 11. The former location of New Leaf Garden Center is now ____ Oaks
  1. 1. This book was distributed to elementary students as an annual Ada Rotary event
  2. 2. The Ada Schools hosted this meal for area veterans and their families on Veterans Day
  3. 5. In an 1894 advertisement, Ohio Northern University was still called Ohio ____ University
  4. 6. The Ada Rotary was selling tickets for their annual ____ Food and Wine Pairing
  5. 7. Ada High School was selected as one of 511 active ____ Star Schools in the state of Ohio