- 4. One of Mr. Tuckerman's favorite books. It's a mystery novel that takes place in Cuba
- 5. A form of lymphoma, typically characterized by the lack of Reed-Sternberg lymphocytes
- 8. One of Mr. Young's Favorite books. It's title is also an old diving term.
- 9. One of Mrs. Nava's favorite books. Another way to say that you don't show your truth.
- 10. One of Mrs. Peters' favorite books. Its plot contains twins.
- 11. One of Mrs. Martinez's favorite books. This book is the beginning of a trilogy, taking place in the 1900's
- 12. Another way to describe creaky joints
- 13. Commonly known as goosebumps.
- 14. A rare syndrome, caused by a genetic deletion of a portion of the 15th chromosome
- 15. One of Mrs. Vasquez's favorite books. It Contains inanimate objects coming to life.
- 1. One of Mrs. Pools' favorite books. Its title is a phrase used to describe an act of kindness.
- 2. One of Mrs. Ziel's favorite books. This book takes place in England and is split into three parts.
- 3. The presence of a gallstone
- 6. Sneeze
- 7. One of Mrs. Dorman's Favorite books. Considered a classic of the Harlem Renaissance.