- 3. Long haired princess
- 5. Jack and the _____
- 8. Long nosed fella!
- 9. He had a farm
- 10. Little Miss Scared by a spider
- 11. Lost her shoe!
- 12. Tiny little girl
- 13. Jack broke his!
- 15. Pockets are full!
- 17. ______________ and Gretel went into the forest
- 18. Incy Wincy
- 1. He is short and stout
- 2. Poor ugly baby!
- 4. Egg on the wall
- 6. The dish ran away with it
- 7. The poisoned fruit that Snow White ate
- 9. Go round the bush
- 12. Won the race!
- 14. There were 7 of them!
- 16. BAA BAA How many bags?