
  1. 4. - carbohydrates in its simplest form
  2. 5. - the number of portions of fruit per day
  3. 8. - apple, banana and orange are this type of food
  4. 10. - process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth
  5. 11. - milk, cheese, yoghurt are this type of food
  6. 14. - rice, wheat barley are this type of food
  7. 15. - the material that helps improve digestion and cleanses the body
  8. 16. - oils, butter and margarine found in this group
  9. 18. - another name for fuel for the body
  10. 19. - amino acids help repair and build the body
  11. 20. - too much of this can lead to high blood pressure
  1. 1. - carrot, broccoli and potato are this type of food
  2. 2. - the recommended size for food serving
  3. 3. - condition created by eating too much sugar
  4. 6. - the condition when you are very overweight
  5. 7. - Your primary source of energy
  6. 9. - small organic compounds found in food to help support life
  7. 12. - small inorganic compounds found in food to help create enzymes and hormones
  8. 13. - chicken, steak, lamb are this type of food
  9. 17. - number of food groups for healthy eating