
  1. 4. A, D, E, K are fat-soluble ____
  2. 6. found in higher portions in animal products and is usually solid at room temperature
  3. 8. one of the three macronutrients in food that provides calories or "energy"
  4. 10. Sugar added in addition to a foods natural amount is called?
  5. 13. waxy, fat like substance produced primarily by the liver
  6. 15. shows how much of a nutrient is in one serving of the food
  7. 16. salt, iron, and cooperate examples of
  8. 17. the part of grains and plants that cannot be digested
  1. 1. a mineral and one of the chemicalelements found in salt
  2. 2. Complex carbs/starches include ___ products
  3. 3. found primarily in plant food; one of the three macronutrients in food that provide calories or "energy"
  4. 5. total number of servings
  5. 6. smallest and simplest type of carbohydrate. Are easily digested and absorbed by the body
  6. 7. unsaturated fat and is not essential in the diet
  7. 9. daily _____ value are for the entire day
  8. 11. ingredients are listed in order of
  9. 12. amount of food that is customarily eaten.
  10. 14. "energy" supplied from all sources of food