
  1. 3. Provides energy for the body
  2. 4. is a desire, rather than a need to eat
  3. 5. Process by which the body takes in food.
  4. 8. Nutritional compounds our bodies need in large quantities for daily functioning.
  5. 10. need for healthy bone & teeth
  6. 12. Illness, activity / Kidney /Death
  7. 16. measures the energy value of food.
  8. 17. substances in food that your body needs to .
  9. 18. (Healthy) tightly packed and moves through blood stream (high density lipoprotein)
  1. 1. maintains fluid/electrolytes balance
  2. 2. Help to build and maintain cells
  3. 6. (GOOD)liquid at room temp (oils)
  4. 7. Protects organs, insulates, transport of vitamins
  5. 9. complex carb that helps move waste
  6. 10. Waxy lipid-like substance found in blood stream and can restrict blood flow in arteries
  7. 11. (Lousy) – Loosely packed and builds up in arteries (Low density liporotein)
  8. 13. fat (BAD) natural or created
  9. 14. (unlearned) protects from starvation
  10. 15. solid at room temp/ come from animals