
  1. 2. what the result is from too much sodium
  2. 4. dissolved substances in water that regulate cell processes
  3. 7. long chains of sugars found in many starch foods
  4. 9. what you should drink if your exercise is for less than 60 minutes
  5. 11. the amount of energy released when nutrients are broken down
  6. 13. vitamins that help protect healthy cells from the damage caused by the normal aging process
  7. 14. a condition in which red blood cells do not contain enough hemoglobin
  8. 15. the process of maintaining a steady state inside your body
  1. 1. a waxy, fatlike substance that is only in animal products
  2. 3. known as sugars and occur naturally in fruits vegetables and milk
  3. 5. when your body cannot use extra carbohydrates it is converted into
  4. 6. smaller substances that when you eat protein your body produces
  5. 8. the chemical process by which your body breaks down food to release energy
  6. 10. fats made when manufacturers add hydrogen to the molecules in vegetable oils
  7. 12. nutrients that naturally occur in rocks and soil